Suva City Council Embraces Digital Transformation for Efficient Services

The chairman of the Suva City Council special administrators, Tevita Boseiwaqa, announced that the council plans to transition to a digital platform this financial year to enhance operations and improve service delivery.

In an interview, Boseiwaqa emphasized that this digital initiative aims to provide more efficient services to ratepayers. He noted that the installation of the necessary systems is still in the preliminary stages.

“We hope to achieve greater digitalization this year,” he stated. “We also have ongoing digital transformation initiatives, which are at an early phase.”

He mentioned that the council has already acquired the hardware needed to support various applications for city services.

“This year, we have the budget allocated for these upgrades, and we are collaborating with a specialized technical partner who will assist with the installation,” he added.

Boseiwaqa expressed optimism that these changes would help the council address and prevent backlogs in service delivery.

“In today’s digital world, it significantly improves our ability to deliver services, particularly for ratepayers and residents.”

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