Suva City Council Embraces Digital Transformation for Better Service Delivery

Tevita Boseiwaqa, the chairman of the Suva City Council’s special administrators, has announced plans for the council to transition to a digital platform during this financial year. This move aims to enhance operational efficiency and service delivery for ratepayers.

In an interview, Boseiwaqa highlighted that the installation process is currently in its initial stages. He expressed optimism about becoming more digitalized over the coming year and mentioned that the council is working on various digital transformation initiatives, which are also in the early phases.

“Our hardware is ready to support applications for all the services provided by the city,” he noted, adding that a budget has been allocated for this purpose. The council is collaborating with a specialized technical partner to assist with the installations.

Boseiwaqa emphasized that this transition will help the council minimize and eliminate existing backlogs. He pointed out that living in a digital world significantly streamlines service delivery for both ratepayers and residents.

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