Surviving Adversity: A Mother’s Sacrifice and Triumph

Growing up in the Vatukoula Gold Mines community, Fulori Yabakivou ensured her six children would achieve success in life.

The 65-year-old from Nakorosule in Naitasiri reflected on the hardships she and her children faced when her husband, Sanaila Yabakivou, a former miner, passed away on December 1, 2000.

Ms. Yabakivou recounted that due to financial difficulties, her children often had only tea and cassava at home.

“That was our only means of survival,” she said. “And all we could do was pray.”

Ms. Yabakivou frequently reminded her children that although their father was no longer present, they still had the support of the Lord Almighty.

“My husband and I both grew up in the Vatukoula Gold Mines community. Our fathers were miners too. We would share whatever food we had at home. Sometimes we had to sell rourou to buy sugar and kerosene from the supermarket,” she explained.

She made sure her children attended school. Eventually, her eldest son finished school and started working, followed by her daughter. Now, her children are married, working, and she lives alone in the company quarters in Vatukoula.

When the payout was announced during the 2024-2025 National Budget, Ms. Yabakivou asked her children what they wanted to do with the money.

“My eldest son said, ‘Mum, that is yours and it’s enough for you.’ But I wanted their opinions because their Dad is no longer with us,” she said.

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