Support in Old Age Decline: Study Reveals Vulnerability

A study conducted by the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM) in 2017 revealed that needed physical, emotional, psychological, and socio-economic support for older women has declined, leaving them vulnerable.

FWRM executive director Nalini Singh discussed these findings during the World Population Day seminar at the University of the South Pacific last week. She emphasized that women face poverty and lack financial security and autonomy post-retirement.

“More research on this is crucial,” Ms. Singh stated. “The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) provides a policy framework for the active participation of older persons in society.”

Singh highlighted that while Fiji ratified MIPAA in 2002, compliance and implementation have been lacking.

“I firmly disagree with addressing issues in silos. I bring into this conversation the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action (ICPD PoA) 1994, where world leaders agreed to prioritize individual rights and dignity in sustainable development. Fiji is a signatory. This global commitment came at a time of anxiety about rapid population growth, providing a standard for people-centered development. Thirty years since its adoption, its implementation has been poor globally, in the Pacific, and in Fiji,” she said.

With new demographic trends, emerging crises, and threats, Singh noted that a 30-year review of the ICPD commitment is timely.

“However, we should have had this conversation sooner and more regularly,” she added.

“The World Population Report 2024 shows that in 69 countries, one-quarter of women are unable to make their own healthcare decisions, negotiate sex with their partners, or choose to use contraception. In Fiji, FWRM has found that child marriages hinder girls’ education and potential due to early sexual activity and unintended adolescent pregnancies.”

Singh concluded by stating that reporting on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) indicators is poor worldwide, including in Fiji.

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