Support for Prime Minister without Demands: Independent MPs Join the Government Block

Nine Independent Members of Parliament have expressed their support for Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka without seeking any positions within the Cabinet. The MPs, led by Mosese Bulitavu, met with Rabuka on Sunday to declare their backing for the government without making any demands.

Bulitavu stated, “We met the PM with clean hands, no demands, just straight up declaring our support for Government.” He explained that as an Opposition member, he was approached by a few Independent MPs with the intention of supporting the government. They collectively decided to act as crossbenchers, forming a third block in Parliament distinct from both the Government and the Opposition.

On the potential of joining another political party, Bulitavu noted that the current rules are unclear and may require judicial interpretation. For now, the MPs will remain an independent block.

Prime Minister Rabuka confirmed that if the nine MPs are excluded from Opposition Caucus meetings, they would be provided with a separate facility. Aliki Bia, another Independent MP, mentioned their willingness to assist the government if offered opportunities by Rabuka.

Rabuka assured that the support of the nine Independent MPs does not pose a threat to the coalition government. He emphasized that the coalition remains strong and unified, with both the National Federation Party (NFP) and the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) welcoming the additional support. Rabuka also noted that there were no demands from the Independent MPs and that a review of the 2013 Constitution could now be considered.

Both Aseri Radrodro, leader of SODELPA, and Biman Prasad, leader of NFP, echoed the sentiment that the coalition is robust and welcomed the Independent MPs’ support.


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