“Strengthening Families: A Key to Combating HIV/AIDS in Fiji”

The Rev Simione Tugi, general secretary of the Fiji Council of Churches, has emphasized the critical role of family in combating HIV/AIDS. He encouraged the public to visit medical centers for testing, pointing out that stigma surrounding HIV often discourages early testing among Fijians.

Mr. Tugi explained that societal perceptions lead many individuals to feel uncomfortable seeking help from churches and hospitals, resulting in cases where people are ostracized by their families and friends. This behavior, he argued, does not align with the true essence of Christianity, urging the community to abandon outdated mindsets.

“We need to foster acceptance within our community; we are all human beings cherished by God, and the responsibility falls on us to support one another, especially the vulnerable,” he stated. He emphasized the church’s duty to care for those in need, urging the community, as well as local governments, to step up.

He reiterated the importance of testing, stating, “This is a matter of life and death; you must take the initiative to help yourselves. Get tested.”

Additionally, Mr. Tugi stressed the necessity for parents to prioritize family time with their children, highlighting that the strength of future Fijian society is tied to family interactions. He noted that the Bible recognizes two institutions—family in the Old Testament and church in the New Testament—and underscored the consequences of a broken family unit on society at large.

He expressed concern that modern couples often lead separate lives, with children seeking validation outside the home due to parental absence. “We tend to believe we can manage independently, but the reality is it’s a complex issue that requires a collaborative effort,” he concluded.

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