Street dwellers in Lautoka have been using the city’s water fountain at the Elizabeth Square roundabout by the post office to take showers, as highlighted by Selwa Nandan, a trustee of the Western Disabled People’s Association. Mr. Nandan witnessed this concerning situation on New Year’s Day when he saw a man and woman washing themselves in the fountain, raising questions about the living conditions of the homeless during nighttime.
Lautoka City Council CEO Mohammed Anees Khan acknowledged that authorities are aware of people living on the streets and in public parks. He mentioned that the council has informed law enforcement and the Social Welfare Department about the situation. During the festive season, the council placed a Christmas tree and lights in Elizabeth Square and assigned a security guard to ensure the safety of both the infrastructure and visitors. This measure was aimed at deterring adverse behaviors.
Following Mr. Nandan’s letter, the council has now referred the issue to the police and Social Welfare to help identify and assist these individuals. Reports have also noted the presence of street dwellers in other areas, like Marine Drive, which have been included in the communication to the relevant authorities.
This situation underscores the pressing need for improved support services for the homeless, especially during significant public holidays. It also highlights the importance of continuous dialogue between local governments and social welfare organizations to address homelessness effectively and compassionately.
A hopeful perspective stems from the increased visibility of this issue, as it may lead to enhanced efforts from local authorities to provide better solutions and support for those in need. Recognizing their circumstances can pave the way for broader social initiatives aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable populations.
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