In Suva, several business owners have been found to have made unauthorized connections to the wastewater system, circumventing regulations set by the Water Authority of Fiji (WAF). This discovery came to light following a smoke test survey that highlighted instances of sewage overflow in Cumming Street. Dr. Amit Chanan, WAF’s Chief Executive Officer, reported that the survey pinpointed 11 businesses with illicit stormwater connections.
WAF has since reached out to these business operators, urging them to install proper stormwater connections to ensure compliance with the regulations. Alarmingly, it was noted that 78% of connections in the entire Suva Central Business District (CBD) are deemed illegal.
The authority emphasized the need for business owners to inspect their stormwater connections, especially since heavy rains can exacerbate the situation by causing stormwater to overwhelm wastewater lines and pumps, potentially resulting in overflows.
In an effort to maintain the integrity of the sewer system, WAF is calling on those who are illegally connected to cease their practices, which put excessive strain on the sewer network.
This situation highlights a critical opportunity for business owners in Suva to prioritize compliance and sustainability. By addressing these connections correctly, they can contribute to a more efficient wastewater system and improve the overall health of the local environment.
As the community rallies to rectify these issues, it could lead to a stronger partnership between businesses and city management, ultimately fostering a better Urban ecosystem.
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