Illustration of LTA: Steering wheel compliance needs to be followed to prevent road accidents

Steering Safety: The Key to Preventing Road Accidents

To enhance road safety and decrease accident rates, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) urges drivers to maintain solid control of the steering wheel.

While reckless driving, fatigue, and speeding are typically cited as primary causes of traffic deaths, issues like poor steering control significantly contribute as well.

Irimaia Rokosawa, the acting CEO of the LTA, emphasized the organization’s commitment to promoting safe driving habits and reducing road fatalities.

“We urge every motorist to adhere to the safety measure of keeping both hands on the steering wheel. This simple yet crucial step can greatly impact road safety. Additionally, we ask Public Service Vehicle (PSV) operators to reinforce this practice among their drivers,” he remarked.

According to the Land Transport (Traffic) Regulations 2000, it’s required for drivers to keep both hands firmly on the wheel while driving, except for specific circumstances such as changing gears or if permitted for medical reasons with appropriate authorization. This regulation underscores the importance of maintaining complete control of the vehicle.

Mr. Rokosawa lamented the frequent sight of drivers engaging in behavior such as hanging an arm out the window, which can hinder proper steering control.

He noted that such actions could lead to delayed reactions to unforeseen obstacles, potentially resulting in accidents.

“This behavior is also prevalent among PSV drivers, who carry numerous passengers and bear responsibility for their safety,” he stated.

While there is a $50 penalty for violating this critical safety measure, the more significant concern is the potential risk to lives. Effective and rapid maneuvers are made possible when drivers have proper steering control, especially during emergencies.

Drivers who don’t keep both hands on the wheel are at a greater risk of slower reaction times, which hampers their ability to respond promptly to sudden changes or obstacles on the road, leading to collisions that might otherwise have been avoided.

Mr. Rokosawa cautioned that drivers risk losing control of their vehicles since stable steering relies on having a firm grip on the wheel.

In adverse weather conditions or on winding roads, steering with one hand elevates the risk of veering off course or colliding with oncoming traffic.

According to Mr. Rokosawa, it’s particularly crucial for PSV drivers to keep both hands on the steering wheel due to their responsibility for the safety of multiple passengers, where any lapse could have severe consequences.

“The Authority is not only enforcing penalties but is also dedicated to educating drivers about the dangers of improper steering practices. We are implementing enhanced public awareness campaigns, driver training programs, and consistent enforcement to ensure all road users understand and comply with traffic safety rules.”

He reiterated that maintaining good steering control is a fundamental aspect of safe driving that should never be overlooked. By doing so, drivers not only protect themselves and their passengers but can also significantly lower the likelihood of accidents, contributing to safer roads for everyone.

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