Start the Conversation: Reducing the Stigma of Suicide in Fiji

In Fiji, the impact of suicide remains a pressing concern, particularly among vulnerable populations. A troubling statistic revealed that in 2024, there have been 56 reported suicide cases, a slight decrease from 60 in the same period the previous year. According to the Fiji Police Force, as of July 22, the number of attempted suicides stands at 44, consistent with last year’s figures. Among those who died by suicide this year, three were students, highlighting the urgency for support and intervention.

Minister for Health and Medical Services, Dr. Atonio Lalabalavu, addressed the issue in Parliament, urging the community to engage in discussions surrounding suicide and its prevention. He cited World Health Organization data indicating that roughly 800,000 individuals die by suicide annually, equating to one death every 40 seconds globally. From 2016 to 2021, Fiji recorded a total of 1,276 suicide cases, averaging 213 each year, with about half resulting in death.

As the world recognizes World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, there is a focus on the theme “Changing the Narrative on Suicide,” which aims to foster open discussions and diminish the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Empower Pacific, a non-governmental organization, has stepped up to provide counseling support for individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts, referring some through partnerships with government hospitals.

From January to July 2024, Empower Pacific assisted 78 individuals who attempted suicide by offering counseling and social support services. Awareness programs have also been conducted to educate communities on the prevention of suicide and mental health awareness. One such program took place in Naviyago village, where the community learned about the factors contributing to suicide, and how to potentially prevent such tragedies.

Laite Kuruilase, a villager who lost her son to suicide, shared her experience and the importance of these conversations. She expressed the emotional toll the loss has taken on her and the need for individuals to speak up about their mental health struggles.

If anyone is facing mental health challenges or having suicidal thoughts, they are encouraged to reach out to the 24/7 toll-free counseling helpline at 5626, which is supported by various organizations.

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