Illustration of Stop splashing water on moving vehicles – LTA CEO

Splashing Water: Fun or Fatal? LTA CEO Raises Alarm

The Chief Executive Officer of the Land Transport Authority (LTA), Irimaia Rokosawa, has raised concerns about the dangers associated with the act of splashing water on moving vehicles. While this practice is commonly seen as a lighthearted and festive activity during celebrations in Fiji, Rokosawa has stressed the importance of safety and responsible behavior during this time.

Rokosawa highlighted that what may seem like innocent fun can have serious ramifications. He pointed out that splashing water on vehicles can surprise drivers, obstruct their vision, or even cause them to lose control, resulting in potential accidents. “Momentary distractions caused by water splashes can have devastating outcomes,” he stated, emphasizing that such actions are not just careless; they can be life-threatening.

The CEO also noted a worrying trend: many of the instances of water splashing involve children and youth. He urged parents and guardians to keep a watchful eye on their children during the festive season to prevent any accidents.

This call to action comes as a timely reminder for everyone to take road safety seriously, especially during celebrations. By working together, the community can ensure a safe environment for all road users.

In summary, while celebrating and having fun is an essential part of cultural traditions, it is crucial to prioritize safety for the well-being of everyone involved. By promoting awareness about potential hazards, we can enjoy festivities in a way that protects our loved ones and fellow citizens.


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