Spiritually Enriched Counsellors: A New Approach for Fijian Teachers

Fijian Teachers Association (FTA) president Netani Druavesi stated that school counselors need to be spiritually equipped to effectively address the psychological challenges faced by teachers. His comments came after Seventh-day Adventist Church pastor Nasoni Lutunaliwa spoke about the struggles experienced by his wife, a teacher affected by a challenging school environment, during his sermon at the opening of the FTA’s 90th annual delegates conference in Suva.

Pastor Lutunaliwa shared his wife’s emotional turmoil, expressing that she often cries not for her own children but for her students. In light of these concerns, Druavesi emphasized the necessity for counselors who can incorporate spiritual guidance into their roles. He noted that while the FTA previously had counselors in schools, the current belief is that they must be spiritually filled.

Druavesi remarked on the importance of turning to the word of God, asserting that it is vital in overcoming challenges, particularly when teachers feel restricted by government regulations. He pointed out that solutions do not lie solely in financial means or academic achievements, but rather begin within the home environment.

The FTA president also outlined the organization’s policy for handling recent cases involving teachers and students, stating that all individuals are considered members of the union until proven guilty. Druavesi advocated for communication in such cases, warning against immediate suspensions or demotions, a practice he criticized from previous administrations. He confirmed that the association is actively engaging with the Education Ministry and other relevant stakeholders to foster a supportive environment for teachers.

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