Social Media’s Dark Impact on Women in Politics: A Call for Action in Fiji

Government investment in the Online Safety Commission is essential, according to John Apted, a litigation partner at Munroe Ley Lawyers. He addressed this topic during a discussion on “Breaking Barriers: Increasing Female Participation in Local Government Elections in Fiji” at Tanoa Plaza on Tuesday evening.

During his presentation, Mr. Apted identified social media as a significant barrier preventing women from engaging in politics. He emphasized that the influence of traditional media has diminished, with social media now playing a dominant role.

“Social media in Fiji can be incredibly harsh, particularly for women and members of the LGBTQ+ community, who often face significant hostility,” he stated. He referenced platforms like Chat Fiji, noting that the sharing of personal and intimate photos can discourage women from entering political spaces.

Mr. Apted pointed out that although there are legal frameworks designed to combat such issues, there has been a lack of governmental support to implement these measures effectively. “We need funding, personnel, and public awareness for online safety,” he stressed.

He urged women to voice their concerns to the government, advocating for increased investment in online safety initiatives, which could empower them to participate more actively in public life.

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