Sibling Bonds: The Secret to Lasting Happiness and Longevity

Many siblings go through tumultuous relationships in their youth, particularly during their teenage years. However, as they grow older, moving out of their childhood homes and establishing their own families, they often begin to recognize one another as equals and close companions. Research suggests that a strong bond between siblings early in adulthood can lead to greater resilience in old age, resulting in less loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

This dynamic is exemplified by three siblings from the village of Tukavesi, located in Buca Bay between the districts of Tunuloa and Cakaudrove. Aseri Tavuna Vakabua, aged 92, resides with his younger sister, 88-year-old Miriama Maiwaidranu Vakabua. Their 84-year-old sister, Vika Vakabua, lives a short distance away near the beach with her daughter, yet her heart remains with her elder siblings.

The siblings attribute their strong bond to a family and religious upbringing, rooted in the Christian principles of love and kindness. In an era where bitterness and jealousy can create rifts in families, the story of the Vakabua siblings is truly inspiring.

Miriama states, “We live together. It can be challenging at times due to our age and unique personalities, but we must take care of each other; we are siblings.” She ensures that Aseri, who has been frail and ill recently, eats nutritious meals regularly to maintain his health. Last week, he was unwell, prompting Miriama to administer herbal medicine to aid his recovery.

She has easy access to herbal remedies from the forests near Tukavesi and trusts them more than modern medicine. Miriama recalls a particular instance when a remedy comprised of specific leaves from local plants cured Aseri before a scheduled surgery.

Vika is dedicated to providing meals for her siblings daily, without fail. She views her role as both a responsibility and a privilege, feeling bound by the familial bond to support and nourish them. On the day of our visit, she was preparing rice and fried eggplant for lunch, proud to serve them nutritious meals.

With time, Vika has shifted from fishing to relying on garden produce due to her age. She emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet, recalling how her parents instilled in her the value of growing food and living off the land. As a result, she mostly eats fresh fruits, vegetables, and root crops, which she believes have contributed to her longevity.

Aseri reflects on the importance of healthy lifestyle choices, stating, “I have lived long because I made good decisions. I never liked drinking grog and hardly smoked.” He advises the younger generation to avoid detrimental habits, emphasizing the significance of healthy eating and adequate rest.

For Miriama, her spirituality is also key to her long life. Despite her lack of glasses, she continues to read the Bible, finding strength and joy in prayer and spirituality. She expresses gratitude for her younger sister, Vika, whose daily commitment to providing food is vital.

The Vakabua siblings demonstrate that family profoundly influences one’s values and character. Siblings raised in a loving environment tend to express care and affection for one another throughout their lives. Relationships among siblings can be complex and evolve, but when rooted in love, respect, and kindness, life’s journey can be richly rewarding.

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