Shocking Appointment Raises Integrity Questions in Fiji’s Anti-Corruption Agency

Opposition MP Premila Kumar has expressed shock at the appointment of Barbara Malimali as the new Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC), particularly in light of reports that Malimali is currently under investigation for alleged misconduct in office.

Kumar described the situation as both “astonishing and unethical,” questioning the decision made by the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) to confirm someone who is being investigated by the organization she will now lead.

She raised critical questions regarding whether the JSC was unaware of the ongoing investigations or chose to overlook them. Kumar emphasized that this decision casts doubt on the integrity and credibility of the appointment process.

She further pointed out that public confidence in FICAC’s ability to operate impartially may be jeopardized given the serious nature of the allegations against its new head. According to Kumar, the public deserves transparency and accountability from those in power.

Kumar has demanded a comprehensive explanation from the Chair of the Judicial Services Commission regarding how the decision was reached and why it seems that proper due diligence was not conducted in this important appointment.

She concluded by asserting that the people of Fiji deserve better governance, insisting that authority figures act in the nation’s best interest and ensure that institutions are directed by individuals of impeccable integrity.

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