Opposition MP Premila Kumar expressed her surprise at the appointment of Barbara Malimali as the new Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC), especially in light of the ongoing investigation into Malimali for alleged abuse of office.
Kumar described the decision as “astonishing and unethical,” highlighting concerns that the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) has appointed someone currently under investigation by the organization she is meant to lead.
She raised critical questions regarding the JSC’s knowledge of these investigations, asking whether they were unaware or chose to disregard them. Kumar emphasized that the integrity and credibility of the appointment process are now under serious scrutiny.
Moreover, she noted that public trust in FICAC’s ability to operate impartially could be undermined if its leader is involved in such serious allegations, advocating for the need for transparency and accountability from those in power.
Kumar has called on the Chair of the Judicial Services Commission to provide a comprehensive explanation for the decision and address the apparent lapse in due diligence during this crucial appointment, asserting that the people of Fiji deserve better leadership characterized by unquestionable integrity.