Waisale Serevi, renowned as the King of Sevens, is set to join Sireli Bobo’s coaching staff to lead the Fiji Sports Council (FSC) Under-20 team during their upcoming tour of New Zealand this month. The announcement was made as the team commenced their training camp.
Serevi expressed his eagerness to support the FSC’s under-20 sevens squad following a meeting with acting Chief Executive Officer Gilbert Vakalalabure. The iconic rugby player is anticipated to bring a wealth of experience, passion, and expertise to the young athletes, enhancing their development and approach to the game.
The FSC highlighted that Serevi’s involvement brings renewed hope for the future of Fijian rugby, stating, “The future of Fijian rugby just got even brighter.” The team roster was finalized from the FSC U20 sevens series, which comprised five legs held in various locations, culminating at Suva’s HFC Bank stadium on November 30.
Bobo previously mentioned that the primary goal is to nurture players from grassroots levels, equipping them to perform effectively on larger stages. The team is scheduled to depart for New Zealand on January 29.
This development marks a promising step for Fijian rugby, as experienced legends like Serevi play a crucial role in cultivating the next generation of talent. As these young athletes prepare to showcase their skills internationally, the future looks bright for Fijian rugby.
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