“Seema: A Cinematic Call to End Domestic Violence”

Seema, a film directed by Sabrina Khan, a British-born, Fiji-based international human rights lawyer, aims to highlight pressing social issues and inspire change through its artistic approach.

Inspired by the biblical notion from Proverbs 31:8, which calls for advocacy on behalf of the voiceless, Seema explores the intricate reality of domestic violence. For Ms. Khan, a personal survivor of domestic violence, this film acts as an impactful platform to raise awareness about this serious issue.

The movie addresses the effects of domestic violence while revealing alarming statistics related to the ongoing crisis. “Domestic violence statistics have worsened for women. I believe we can’t create enough awareness because it’s getting worse globally,” stated Ms. Khan.

She hopes the film will ignite essential discussions, enhance global awareness, and help break the cycle of violence. Seema was filmed in Parramatta, Sydney, Australia, and features lead actress Reena Shah alongside Australian actor Morrison James.

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