Seeking Healing: Women’s Fight for Justice After Fiji’s 2006 Coup

Two women whose relatives were reportedly tortured during the 2006 coup are seeking clarity on how the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) can facilitate their healing process. Ruseieli Mua’s brother-in-law, Colonel Metuisela Mua, and Titilia Saurara’s deceased husband, Kitione Vuataki, were among those who sought answers from the TRC. Both individuals were allegedly subjected to torture during the coup; Colonel Mua was a former military intelligence officer and had previously served as the director of the Fiji Intelligence Services in 1988. Mr. Vuataki, who passed away in 2020, was a respected lawyer in Lautoka.

The women were present at the TRC hearing held at the Sugar Cane Growers Council Hall in Lautoka. The event was dedicated to refining a draft legislation for a commission focused on addressing historical injustices and promoting national reconciliation.

“Was the violence necessary?” Ms. Mua questioned, expressing her yearning for understanding and justice following her brother-in-law’s death many years ago. Ms. Saurara, the first iTaukei female president of the Nadi Bula Festival Association and a businesswoman in Lautoka, also posed a significant query: “How is the TRC going to heal the people of Fiji?” This inquiry underscored the plight of coup victims and emphasized the necessity for a process that genuinely confronts their trauma.

Another participant, Dr. Mukesh Bhagat, a medical professional in Lautoka, raised concerns regarding the support for the TRC, asking, “Does the truth and reconciliation have the approval of the Army?” Assistant Minister for Women, Children, and Social Services Shashi Kiran assured the audience, stating, “So far, we do have the support from the Army.”

The draft legislation contains provisions that protect the confidentiality of testimonies, ensuring that statements shared with the TRC will not be used for legal prosecution. The commission is expected to function independently, with its work projected to last for 18 months.

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