Secrets to a Vibrant Life at 90: Rick Rickman’s Unique Recipe for Longevity

Rick Rickman reflects on life as he approaches his 90th birthday, emphasizing that individual character plays a significant role in aging. Once passionate about golf, Rickman has shifted to enjoying reading, writing, occasional painting, and sipping drinks after his knee problems forced him to step away from the sport.

“I used to be very dedicated to golf,” said the former secretary of the Fiji Golf Association. While he doesn’t paint often, he describes his acrylic works as subjective, influenced by his mood. Rickman attended the London School of Printing and Fine Arts before serving in the Royal Air Force.

In terms of diet, he attributes his longevity to a focus on food and wellness, particularly highlighting his homemade mix of turmeric, ginger, and lemon. “Turmeric is magical,” Rickman stated. He has been using his blend for over two decades to help manage cancer risks, and he cautions about aluminum toxicity in drinking water, maintaining a triple filtered water system at home.

Rickman is also selective about meat, often purchasing whole sirloin and aging it properly. “I remain a carnivorous clown,” he joked, noting he has pork and beef from specific local suppliers in his freezer.

On the topic of COVID vaccinations, Rickman expresses controversial views, suggesting potential long-term health issues for some recipients. He believes that 25 to 30 percent of vaccinated individuals might face serious health challenges, a claim he connects to the deaths of two younger friends he attributes to ‘turbo cancer,’ a term he uses to describe rapidly developing cancers linked to the vaccination.

Having contracted COVID-19 in 2021, Rickman reported a brief illness and has opted not to receive any vaccines. “I have had more than my fair share of vaccines in the Royal Air Force,” he explained.

Looking ahead, Rickman hopes to see the Fiji National Provident Fund brought to court for past actions affecting pensioners, a cause close to his heart as he critically views the former government’s treatment of retirees.

In terms of favorite locations, he reminisced about Nadarivatu for its pristine environment and voiced support for better access roads. For local dining, Vuda Marina is one of his preferred spots for its atmosphere and value, particularly enjoying their lunch specials.

At home, he fans of cocoa without milk, sweetened with honey and seasoned with chili, as he avoids coffee and tea. When asked about places in Fiji he still wishes to visit, he noted his comprehensive experience due to his past role in the Hotel Licensing Board, mentioning he has covered many destination sites extensively.

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