Schools in Fiji Face Land Lease Crisis: What’s Next?

The Minister for Education, Aseri Radrodro, recently disclosed that during a school visit, it was found that several schools in Fiji lack valid land leases. In his ministerial statement delivered in Parliament, he emphasized that the Ministry of Education is collaborating with key stakeholders to resolve this concern.

Radrodro noted, “While visiting schools throughout Fiji, we identified that some do not possess valid land leases. The Ministry of Education is currently engaged with the TLTB and other relevant parties to secure land leases for those affected schools as part of the necessary requirements for rehabilitation assistance.”

He pointed out Matuku Secondary School as an example of a school facing land lease issues. This particular school was involved in the establishment of a junior secondary school back in 1967, yet the project remains incomplete.

“The EA2 and EA3 forms have been provided to the interim school committee for further action, and Matuku Secondary will be included in the lease of Ratu Mocevakaca Primary School while we continue working towards securing a lease for their secondary school,” he added.

Radrodro expressed gratitude, stating that Fiji is fortunate to have received support from various development partners, humanitarian organizations, and financial institutions over the years.

“The assistance we have received is invaluable, contributing significantly to enhancing our recovery and rehabilitation efforts. The strengthening of our Vuvale partnership has seen DFAT extending its support during Tropical Cyclone Yasa. We also recognize the contributions from the Japanese embassy, MFAT, UAE, the government of Indonesia, UNICEF, Save the Children, and many others,” he said.

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