Scams on the Rise: Are Fijians Vulnerable to Fraud?

Inia Seruiratu, the Leader of the Opposition, has issued a warning to the public regarding scams, specifically highlighting the Paragonix scam, which has misused the names and images of well-known Fijians to promote deceitful schemes.

As Scam Awareness Week wraps up, Seruiratu emphasized the importance for Fijians to stay alert against the ongoing threat of scams, which can cause significant financial and emotional damage to individuals and families. He pointed out that despite the efforts of the Consumer Council and the Police Force, incidents of scams are on the rise and often go unreported, worsened by factors such as poverty, unemployment, and the challenges of global digitalization.

“A collective response from all sectors of society is crucial to tackle this growing issue and shield citizens from exploitation,” Seruiratu stated. He lamented that many victims of scams do not report their experiences, making it difficult to grasp the full scope of the problem—a common challenge faced by numerous developing countries.

Seruiratu noted that advancements in technology and increasing interconnectivity create avenues for scammers to prey on vulnerable individuals, while issues like poverty, unemployment, and increasing living costs heighten the risks. To help avoid becoming victims, he urged citizens to be cautious of the risks and to steer clear of the temptation of quick financial gains. He called for unified action from all stakeholders in the fight against scams.

He cited alarming statistics from Australia, where losses to scams in 2023 reached over $2.7 billion, impacting more than 600,000 individuals, highlighting the seriousness of the issue and the necessity for urgent actions.

Seruiratu specifically addressed the Paragonix Edge scam, which has exploited his identity and those of other notable Fijians, including Waisale Serevi, Jerry Tuwai, Fred Wesley, and Shania Singh, to promote a fraudulent initiative. He underscored that he has no connection to this company or system and stressed the importance of consumer education in tackling the issue of scams.

He advocated for a comprehensive approach involving collaboration among government bodies, law enforcement, regulators, NGOs, civil society, religious organizations, the educational system, and the broader community to effectively combat scams and safeguard citizens from financial exploitation.

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