“Say No to Drugs: A National Call to Action”

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Hon. Professor Biman Prasad emphasized that drug abuse is a serious national issue that harms individuals, families, and communities. He warned of the severe consequences for the country if drug use is not addressed.

During the closing ceremony of the Gold N Water Carnival 2024 in Tavua, Professor Prasad highlighted the carnival’s theme, “Educating and Empowering the Wider Community to ‘Say No to Drugs,’” as both timely and important.

He called for a rejection of drugs and violence against women and children, stating that the government’s national drug and narcotic strategy is being reinforced through enhanced focus on law enforcement and related agencies.

Professor Prasad urged young people and anyone involved with drugs, whether through use or supply, to refrain from engaging with them, warning that drug abuse can lead to personal destruction as well as devastating impacts on families and national well-being.

He concluded by noting the global crisis presented by hard drugs, which has resulted in widespread devastation for individuals and communities around the world.

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