Say No to Drugs: A Call for Change

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Professor Biman Prasad, has called attention to the destructive impact of drugs on individuals, families, and communities. During the crowning event for Miss GoldnWater and Miss Charity at the Vodafone GoldnWater Carnival in Garvey Park, Tavua, he emphasized that failing to combat drug abuse could have severe consequences for the nation.

Professor Prasad highlighted the Government’s efforts, which include a National Drug and Narcotics Strategy, as well as increased collaboration with the Police Force and other agencies to curb the spread and negative impact of drugs. He urged young people and anyone connected to drug use or distribution to firmly reject drugs.

The Minister pointed out that drug abuse leads not only to personal destruction but also harms families, friendships, and the broader economy and society. He referenced global instances where drug problems have similarly devastated nations and communities, reinforcing the urgency of addressing this pressing issue.

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