Safety Scare: Investigations Underway After Children’s Ride Incident

The Minister for Local Government, Maciu Nalumisa, has announced plans to meet with the Suva City Council (SCC) executive chair and organizers of the Hibiscus Festival following an alarming incident involving a children’s amusement ride last Sunday.

Footage shared on social media depicts a distressed child hanging from a moving ride, with parents expressing their outrage towards the ride operator.

When inquired about the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) approval for the children’s rides at the upcoming 2024 Miss Hibiscus Festival, Nalumisa stated that an investigation is underway and a formal statement will be issued once concluded.

“I will be meeting with the SCC executive chair and the organizers to discuss the progress of the investigations,” Nalumisa remarked. “What occurred is quite serious, and I need to ascertain if the necessary procedures were followed and if proper approvals were granted for this entertainment setup for children.”

Meanwhile, the Hibiscus Festival committee is awaiting an important incident report from the Department of Occupational Health and Safety before making any decisions regarding the safety and appropriateness of the festival rides.

Opetaia Ravai, chair of the Hibiscus committee, emphasized that the responsibility for inspecting the rides lies exclusively with the OHS department. “At this moment, I have not received any report from them,” he mentioned. “Until we get that report, we cannot make any decisions.”

Ravai also pointed out the necessity for enhanced safety measures, noting that the rides in question had been used in past festivals. He confirmed that all rides at this year’s festival had been inspected and approved by the OHS department. He warned ride owners to comply with safety regulations, or they risk being forced to shut down.

The committee’s review process is currently on hold pending the OHS report, and the Suva City Council has stated it will conduct its own internal investigation.

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