Rugby’s Tug-of-War: Can Independence Save the Game?

Nakasaleka rugby head coach Vilikesa Vulakauvaki has taken responsibility for recent drama during the Kadavu Rugby Union’s Southern Rally, attributing the issues to interference from officials.

Vulakauvaki shared that Nakasaleka entered two teams in the senior division and one in the under-19 competition, emphasizing that the situation stemmed from a “vakavanua style” approach taken by the officials. He mentioned that talks had emerged about other teams considering withdrawing from the competition, which he believes are repercussions of actions by his own officials.

“If the Nakasaleka rugby officials moved away from the vakavanua mentality and allowed the sport to grow, then none of this would have happened,” he stated. On the second morning of the tournament, Nakasaleka officials informed him that Nakasaleka One was required to forfeit its semi-final match against Nakasaleka Two. Additionally, these officials communicated with event organizers, pushing for the under-19 team to be declared champions since they led the round-robin competition.

“This decision from our officials was not well received by other teams, leading some to leave the venue,” he added. Vulakauvaki noted that despite a previous discussion about forfeiting the semi-final match, officials approached the number one team multiple times while players were already preparing to leave.

He expressed concerns that such attitudes from officials could hinder the growth of the sport and the aspirations of players wishing to represent their region.

In support of Vulakauvaki, Kadavu Rugby Union vice-president Rusiate Wadali echoed the sentiment that the sport should operate independently from traditional influences.

“What happened is just a minor issue,” Wadali remarked. “We want to separate the union from the vanua, as its involvement can hinder our progress.”

Wadali explained that the union aims to present a plan for the future at an upcoming meeting with provincial leaders, emphasizing the need for reconciliation among chiefs and club officials while maintaining rugby’s independence. He also conveyed to the Roko the importance of respecting the separation between traditional values and sports governance.

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