The under-18 team from Mahatma Gandhi Memorial High School is focusing on three key aspects of their game as they prepare for the upcoming quarter-finals of the Vodafone Super Deans against Ratu Navula College on Saturday. With just three days to go, the team is enhancing their physical condition, mental readiness, and spiritual well-being.
For the past two weeks, the team has been training at Namadi, supported by the school, parents, and alumni, which has strengthened the bonds among players, coaches, and management. The team has utilized this time to conduct two important test matches ahead of the national quarter-finals.
“We can see improvements in the combinations and strategies we’ve discussed,” said team manager Hoteshwar Padarath. “The boys are enthusiastic about the game on Saturday, and we are also preparing spiritually.”
During a training session at St Marcellin Primary School in Vatuwaqa, players were reminded of critical game situations that will require strong mental fitness, especially under fatigue. “We’ve incorporated mental preparation sessions as part of our camp devotion. Success in the game relies on both physical and mental strength, so we dedicate nearly an hour to boost the players’ mental readiness for Saturday’s game,” Padarath explained.
The team is specifically working on discipline and tackling skills. Padarath noted, “Discipline has been a challenge for us; we lost two matches to Nasinu due to indiscipline, including playing with 12 men in the final and receiving three yellow cards.” Additionally, they aim to improve their tackling effectiveness and minimize missed tackles. They have brought in specialist coaches to focus on these areas.
Remaining focused on their upcoming opponent, Ratu Navula College, Padarath emphasized their respect for the team. “RKS, QVS, and Marist have been dominant in secondary school rugby for some time, and we honor their achievements, but we are determined to give our best against Ratu Navula.”
The team is looking forward to the support of their fans, including those from smaller schools, during the quarter-finals at HFC Bank Stadium in Suva on Saturday.