Rise of Local Scams: Protect Yourself Online

Rising online scams have become a significant concern, as highlighted by a recent letter to the editor. The author expresses alarm over the increasing number of victims, particularly with scams being executed by locals. These scams often occur through platforms like M-PAiSA and fraudulent websites.

The impact on victims is severe, infringing on their human rights and causing deep emotional trauma. Many victims experience feelings of worthlessness, leading to depression and even suicidal thoughts. Furthermore, societal stigma often compounds their distress, negatively affecting their self-esteem.

The author emphasizes the importance of collective action to tackle this issue, suggesting that individuals must be more vigilant and informed. Staying updated with news, safeguarding personal information, and conducting background checks on websites are crucial preventive measures. The writer also encourages reluctance in responding to anonymous requests for money or personal data.

The hope expressed is for media outlets to further address the growing problem of online scams in upcoming publications.

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