Rise in Local Online Scams: Protect Yourself Before It’s Too Late!

There has been a concerning increase in online scams, with many victims falling prey to locally operated schemes. These scams often utilize platforms like M-PAiSA and fraudulent websites.

Victims of these scams suffer significant emotional and mental distress, frequently experiencing feelings of worthlessness, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. The social stigma surrounding such victimization further exacerbates their feelings of shame and lowers their self-esteem.

To combat this issue, individuals are encouraged to adopt preventive measures, such as remaining vigilant, staying informed through news outlets, and avoiding the sharing of personal information on the internet. It is also essential to conduct background checks on websites and to be cautious of anonymous calls or messages requesting financial or sensitive information.

Addressing this issue collectively can lead to solutions that protect individuals from falling victim to these scams. It is hoped that the discussion of online scams will be prioritized in upcoming publications.

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