Rick Rickman’s Secrets to Longevity: From Golf to Gourmet Gardening

Rick Rickman reflects on reaching the milestone of 90 years, emphasizing that an individual’s character greatly influences their life at this age. Although he once enjoyed golfing, his knee issues have led him to embrace other activities like reading, writing, painting, and savoring drinks in his spare time.

Formerly the secretary for the Fiji Golf Association, Mr. Rickman describes golf as a significant passion of his past. His artistic endeavors include acrylic painting, which he approaches with a subjective view, stating, “I paint what I see, probably not what you see in the mirror,” and noting that his artistic expression often varies with his mood.

After leaving school at 15, Mr. Rickman pursued a three-year education at the London School of Printing and Fine Arts, which has since evolved into a university.

In terms of dietary habits, he attributes his longevity to a nutrient-rich diet, particularly recommending a homemade blend of turmeric, ginger, and lemon. “Turmeric is magical,” he stated, emphasizing its role in managing his health, particularly in relation to cancer. Additionally, he takes measures to ensure the quality of his water by using a triple filtering system at home and occasionally adding whiskey to it.

Mr. Rickman is particular about the quality of meat he consumes, favoring sirloin steaks and local pork. He employs vacuum packing techniques for aging his beef, highlighting a unique method of using ripe pawpaw to enhance tenderness.

On the topic of vaccinations, Mr. Rickman expresses skepticism regarding COVID-19 vaccines, suggesting that a significant percentage of vaccinated individuals may face health issues, including myocarditis and blood clot risks. He expresses concern for two friends he lost to what is termed “turbo cancer,” a theory denoting rapidly developing cancers tied to vaccinations.

Despite his views, Mr. Rickman clarifies that he is not against vaccinations overall, having received numerous vaccines during his service in the Royal Air Force, and did not receive the COVID vaccine.

As he prepares to turn 90 in November, Mr. Rickman has a hope to witness justice for pensioners affected by decisions made by the Fiji National Provident Fund in 2012, criticizing past government actions regarding national superannuation.

In a light-hearted segment, Mr. Rickman enjoys reminiscing about his favorite Fijian destinations, highlighting Nadarivatu for its pristine environment and Vuda Marina for its delightful dining experience. He shares his preference for chili-seasoned cocoa sweetened with honey, indicating a taste that favors healing properties over traditional beverages like coffee or tea.

Reflecting on his extensive experiences, he finds it challenging to identify a place in Fiji left unexplored, having visited numerous sites during his tenure on the Hotel Licensing Board.

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