Revolutionary Healing: New Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Launches in Fiji

Pacific Specialist Healthcare is set to introduce a new Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) service that may significantly reduce the risk of amputation among patients with diabetic foot ulcers in Fiji, possibly by as much as 44 percent. Parvish Kumar, the director and CEO of PSH, announced this development, referencing a meta-analysis from Diabetes Care. This analysis indicated that patients undergoing HBOT showed much higher rates of wound healing and fewer major amputations compared to those receiving only standard care.

Kumar highlighted that clinical trials indicate HBOT could cut amputation risks for diabetic patients by 30 to 40 percent, contingent on the severity of the ulcer and duration of the therapy. He expressed enthusiasm about offering this advanced therapy, noting that it represents PSH’s ongoing commitment to patient-centered care.

HBOT involves delivering pure oxygen in a highly pressurized setting, which accelerates healing and effectively treats various medical conditions that may not respond adequately to standard treatments. Initially developed for treating decompression sickness in divers, HBOT has evolved into a critical resource in contemporary medicine.

Key benefits of the upcoming HBOT service include:

– **Decompression Sickness**: Treatment for divers facing decompression sickness, where pressurized oxygen helps dissolve nitrogen bubbles in the bloodstream.

– **Carbon Monoxide Poisoning**: It aids in quickly removing carbon monoxide from the bloodstream, restoring oxygen levels and minimizing organ damage.

– **Advanced Wound Healing**: Beneficial for chronic wounds like diabetic foot ulcers, HBOT enhances oxygen supply to injured tissues, supporting new blood vessel formation and expediting healing.

– **Severe Infections**: Used for critical infections like necrotizing fasciitis, HBOT improves oxygen levels in infected areas, enhancing immune response and antibiotic effectiveness.

– **Support for Radiation Therapy Patients**: Assists in repairing tissues damaged by radiation treatment, alleviating associated side effects.

– **Traumatic Brain Injuries and Stroke Recovery**: Early research suggests HBOT may improve recovery for brain injury and stroke patients by increasing oxygen in damaged brain areas.

– **Thermal Burns**: For burn victims, HBOT can reduce tissue damage and inflammation, facilitating quicker healing and lowering infection risk.

– **Severe Anaemia**: In severe anaemia cases where blood transfusions are unavailable, HBOT can temporarily boost oxygen levels in tissues.

– **Sports Injuries**: Athletes can utilize HBOT for faster recovery from muscle injuries, as it helps reduce inflammation and rebuild damaged tissues.

As Pacific Specialist Healthcare continues to grow as a leading healthcare provider, the introduction of HBOT therapy underscores its dedication to innovative patient care. Kumar encourages patients, healthcare partners, and the community to look out for upcoming announcements about this exciting new service, which aims to expand the frontiers of modern medicine.

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