Reviving the Faith: A New Era for the Methodist Church in Fiji

The Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma is witnessing a revival, according to Reverend Anil Reuben, the Assistant General Secretary and one of the church’s longest-serving ministers. He expressed optimism about the church’s current state during a recent conference, highlighting that the church president includes members in important decision-making processes.

Reverend Reuben emphasized the need to restore the church’s image and noted a growing number of children attending services. This year’s conference theme is focused on “Restoring the Lost Image of Christ within the Methodist Church in Fiji.”

He pointed out that many incarcerated individuals identify as Methodists and stressed the importance of addressing this issue by reaching out to prisons and hospitals, which are areas where the church needs to improve its presence.

Meanwhile, Church President Reverend Semisi Turagavou recognized that the church must overcome challenges to fulfill its role as a guiding spiritual influence in the nation. He urged members to collectively embrace the mission of restoring the lost image of Christ, which he described as the church’s vision for 2024-2025.

Reverend Turagavou called for innovative thinking and action, stating that now is the right time for the church to elevate its mission and partner with God in this transformative journey.

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