Reviving Rice: A New Agricultural Era for Fiji

The Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways, in partnership with China Aid-Fiji, is initiating efforts to rejuvenate rice farming in the Serua and Namosi provinces. Inosi Vulawalu, the Senior Agriculture Officer for the region, noted that interest in rice farming has declined over the years due to rural-to-urban migration and adverse weather conditions impacting production.

Vulawalu emphasized that the ministry is committed to restoring rice farming and enhancing production in Navua. They have begun consultations with interested farmers, forming groups and introducing mechanization. This initiative includes an offseason rice demonstration plot that provides comprehensive training for farmers.

He highlighted that increasing participation in rice farming could enhance food security for families, reducing reliance on imported rice. Chen Huazao, team leader of China Aid-Fiji, pointed out that many rice farmers in Fiji are elderly, with most between 50 and 70 years of age. He encouraged younger landowners to take advantage of this opportunity and seek guidance.

Huazao mentioned several issues contributing to low production and subpar quality of rice in Fiji, including inadequate preparation of rice fields, improper fertilizer application, pest and weed management, and planting techniques.

In late May of this year, a rice demonstration plot was established on Vicky Vikash Narayan’s farm in Navua, spanning an area of 2,787 square meters and following the recommended practices from the Chinese and research teams. This plot utilized the seeder-inline method and yielded an impressive total of 1,447.7 kg of rice, marking the highest yield for the offseason in that region.

Huazao asserted that adhering to the recommended practices will significantly enhance rice production in Navua and bolster food security across Fiji. Narayan reflected on the training he received, expressing enthusiasm for returning to rice farming after previously stepping back due to various challenges. He is now eager to apply the new cultivation techniques and technologies.

Chinese experts have set up ten rice demonstration sites in locations including Navua, Koronivia Research Station, Fiji National University, and the Navuso Agriculture Technical Institute.

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