Reviving Faith: The Methodist Church’s Bold Journey to Restoration

The Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma is reportedly undergoing a revival, according to Reverend Anil Reuben, the Assistant General Secretary. Reverend Reuben, who has served as a minister for a lengthy period, expressed his belief in the church’s resurgence. He highlighted the inclusion of the church leadership in pivotal decision-making, stating, “The church is reviving,” and called for a restoration of its lost image, noting a rise in attendance, particularly among children.

This year’s conference is themed “Restoring the Lost Image of Christ within the Methodist Church in Fiji.” Reverend Reuben also brought attention to the church’s presence among incarcerated individuals, stressing the need to address this reality through outreach to prisons and hospitals.

Reverend Semisi Turagavou, President of the Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma, acknowledged the challenges the church encounters in serving as a prophetic voice and spiritual guide. He urged the church to elevate its mission, focusing on recovering what has been lost in terms of its image of Christ. He emphasized the importance of collective acceptance of this vision as the church’s mission for 2024-2025 and encouraged innovative thinking in pursuing God’s calling to reform and elevate the church.

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