Reviving Faith: The Methodist Church in Fiji’s Transformation Journey

The Assistant General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, Reverend Anil Reuben, has expressed his belief that the church is undergoing a revival. As one of the longest-serving ministers, he shared insights into this revitalization, stating that the church’s president is involving members in key decision-making processes.

Reverend Reuben emphasized the importance of restoring the church’s image, highlighting the significant presence of children attending services. He noted that this year’s conference theme is “Restoring the Lost Image of Christ within the Methodist Church in Fiji.” Furthermore, he pointed out that many imprisoned individuals are affiliated with the Methodist faith and stressed the church’s determination to change public perception.

“We need to address the gaps we have in places like prisons and hospitals. It’s vital that we continue our outreach to these communities,” he said.

Church President Reverend Semisi Turagavou also acknowledged the challenges faced by the church in acting as a prophetic voice and spiritual leader for the nation. He urged the congregation to elevate their mission for the upcoming year, stating, “Our aim is to restore the lost image of Christ, and this should be a collective vision.”

He encouraged innovative thinking and reiterated that the church’s time for action is now. “God is molding and reshaping His church, calling us to collaborate with Him for its elevation,” he added.

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