Reviving Faith: The Methodist Church in Fiji’s Bold Mission

The Assistant General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, Reverend Anil Reuben, expressed optimism about a revival within the church. As a long-serving minister, Reverend Reuben emphasized the importance of collaboration in decision-making processes led by the church president. He noted an increase in attendance among children in churches, indicating a healthier congregation.

This year’s conference theme is “Restoring the Lost Image of Christ within the Methodist Church in Fiji.” Reverend Reuben pointed out the significant number of Methodists among incarcerated individuals and highlighted the church’s commitment to changing this narrative by reaching out to those in prisons and hospitals.

Church President Reverend Semisi Turagavou recognized existing challenges in the church’s role as a prophetic voice and spiritual guide for the nation. He called for collective efforts to restore the image of Christ, which he sees as the church’s mission for the upcoming year. Reverend Turagavou encouraged innovative thinking and reiterated that now is the time for the church to progress and partner with God in its reformation efforts.

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