Revival Sparks Hope: Methodist Church in Fiji on a Mission to Restore Lost Image

Reverend Anil Reuben, the Assistant General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, has expressed optimism regarding a revival within the church. As one of the longest-serving ministers, he shared insights about this revitalization.

“The president of the church involves us in decision-making, which signifies that the church is indeed reviving,” Reverend Reuben remarked. He emphasized the importance of restoring the church’s lost image, noting his experiences preaching in various locations where he has seen an influx of children attending services.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Restoring the Lost Image of Christ within the Methodist Church in Fiji.” Reverend Reuben also pointed out that many individuals in prisons are affiliated with the church and highlighted the need to address this issue. “We face challenges in places like prisons and hospitals, and it is crucial that we continue our outreach in these areas,” he stated.

Church President Reverend Semisi Turagavou acknowledged the obstacles the church encounters in serving as a prophetic voice and spiritual leader for the nation. He called for collective action, stating, “Restoring or achieving the lost image of Christ is our vision, and it should be embraced as the church’s mission for 2024-2025. We must strive to reclaim what we have lost.”

“This is our moment. We need to think creatively. It’s always the right time to do what is right,” he added. Reverend Turagavou urged the congregation to recognize that God is actively shaping the church and inviting them to partner in elevating it to new heights.

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