Revitalizing Faith: Church Aims to Empower Fiji’s Youths in Troubling Times

The Methodist Church in Fiji is set to shift its evangelism efforts toward the youth demographic, with an emphasis on addressing the increasing social challenges faced by society. Iliesa Koroi, who has been reappointed as the department secretary at the church’s recent conference, emphasized that engaging with young people will be a top priority during his new term.

Mr. Koroi expressed his conviction that this role is a divine calling for him, stating, “My goal is to focus on our youths.” He acknowledged that while he has always prioritized youth outreach, he plans to intensify these efforts this year.

He highlighted that the virtual youth night he conducts has attracted many participants from the target age group. “One of our greatest achievements is saving these youngsters from the grip of pornography and drug addiction,” he noted. His program encompasses visitation, evangelism, and discipleship initiatives that aim to help young people navigate challenges such as HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancies, and substance abuse.

Mr. Koroi pointed out that the responsibility of tackling these issues cannot rest solely on the shoulders of the government, calling for church ministers to be proactive. “The Government already has its hands full; they will not be able to handle this alone,” he said, stressing that the church’s evangelism team consists of youths who have previously been affected by these social issues.

He recounted instances where former addicts are now playing a crucial role in outreach efforts. “Wherever I go, I reach out to young people involved in these activities and ask them to join me,” Mr. Koroi added, noting that these youths are often surprised to find someone who cares for them and recognizes their potential, rather than viewing them solely through the lens of their past mistakes.

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