Reverend Mataitoga: A Brave Journey of Faith and Leadership

Reverend Asinate Mataitoga, a newly-ordained minister of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, expressed her enthusiasm for her calling, saying, “There’s nothing better than doing God’s work.” From Nukuni on Ono-i-Lau, she was one of 12 ministers and two deaconesses ordained by the Church’s President, Reverend Semisi Turagavou.

Reverend Mataitoga described her spiritual journey as a challenging experience. “Being a church minister is not for the weak, but for the brave to endure the toughest roads in spreading the word of God around the nation,” she stated. She acknowledged the ups and downs in her faith journey but emphasized that it has been rewarding.

She noted the various challenges she has faced, stating, “It builds my faith and the work that I am called for. Those challenges helped me during my three years of studies and three years of fieldwork.” Reverend Mataitoga feels a strong connection to her faith, expressing that God is her strength and support, particularly in light of current challenges. “I made the best decision of my life to be under God’s leadership,” she added.

As a female minister, she also mentioned the discrimination she encounters from her male counterparts.

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