Rev. Turagavou Calls for Church’s Revival Amid Fiji’s Social Challenges

The President of the Methodist Church of Fiji, Reverend Dr Semisi Turagavou, emphasized the necessity for the Church to reinforce its role as a moral compass for the nation and responsible citizens of Fiji.

During the week-long annual conference in Suva, Rev Turagavou highlighted the urgent need to address persistent social issues affecting the Church. He expressed hope that conference participants would tackle these concerns head-on.

He raised several critical questions, including the decline in church membership, the vocal criticism of poor leadership and moral issues by modern church members, and the exodus of affiliated members from the Methodist Group. He also pointed out the challenges related to excessive kava consumption and smoking among congregants and questioned the metrics in place to assess the attitudes towards misconduct and moral failures among leaders. Furthermore, he urged attendees to consider what measures could restore the Church’s image.

Rev Turagavou acknowledged the complex issues facing Fiji, including rising drug-related cases, crime, violence, human trafficking, street children, and homelessness.

He also confronted the Church’s approach to contemporary issues such as same-sex marriage, interfaith dialogues, and political and traditional complexities.

“The Church is being challenged in its prophetic role and responsibility towards the State and the nation. We must collaborate with our communities and the Government to pinpoint the root causes of these problems and seek viable solutions,” he stated.

He concluded by reiterating the need to fortify their roles as responsible citizens and moral leaders. The conference is ongoing.

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