Resilient Grandma Turns Hobby into Thriving Business

Asena Naiwase, a resilient single mother from Delaitokatoka, Kalabu, has proven that hope and hard work can overcome life’s challenges. Despite facing numerous adversities, she remained determined to provide for her three children, who are now thriving adults with their own families.

At 60 years old, Asena is still actively selling perfumes and her handmade jewelry on the streets of Suva. What started as a simple hobby five years ago blossomed into a successful venture after she realized her talent for crafting beautiful pieces. With encouragement from her younger daughter, who learned jewelry-making through DIY videos online, Asena transitioned from selling vegetables to focusing on her newfound passion.

She began her entrepreneurial journey by selling perfumes brought back by her son-in-law from Iraq. Customers soon inquired about handmade earrings and necklaces, prompting her to expand her offerings. With her daughter’s guidance, Asena now purchases raw materials and creates unique jewelry pieces herself.

Asena finds joy and empowerment in her work, which allows her to meet new people and build friendships. The flexibility of her schedule gives her the freedom to manage her time as she wishes, free from traditional workplace stress.

She encourages other single mothers to seek out opportunities for success and not to remain stagnant. “Staying home won’t help. Try doing something so that you are not a burden on anyone. You have to come out and look for ways to succeed,” she advises.

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