Resilient Entrepreneur: A Grandmother’s Journey from Adversity to Empowerment

Asena Naiwase, a resilient single mother from Delaitokatoka in Kalabu, has demonstrated remarkable tenacity in the face of life’s challenges. Now at the age of 60, she has successfully raised three children who have all become adults with careers and families of their own. Despite this, Asena remains active and continues to pursue her passion for selling perfumes and handcrafted jewelry on the streets of Suva.

Her journey into crafting beautiful jewelry began five years ago as a hobby. Upon realizing her talent for creating these pieces, she decided to turn her passion into a source of income. “This is one of my favorite hobbies now, aside from meeting people, helping the needy, and baking,” Asena shared.

Initially, Asena sold vegetables, but encouragement from her younger daughter inspired her to explore jewelry making. Her daughter, who honed her own skills through DIY videos on social media, guided Asena in the craft. “My daughter uses the internet a lot and learned the skills from YouTube. After watching, she would teach those skills to me. It’s very interesting, and I enjoy doing this,” Asena explained.

She began her small business by selling perfumes, which she obtained from her son-in-law who returned from Iraq. This venture gradually expanded as customer demand for handmade earrings and necklaces grew. “With the help of my daughter, I started making and selling handmade jewelry. I buy raw materials and make jewelry out of them myself,” she stated.

Asena enjoys her work for the financial independence it provides and the opportunity to meet new people. “I meet new people and customers every day and get to make lots of friends. This job comes with less stress. I can come and go anytime I like because there is no one to boss me around,” she noted.

With a message for single mothers, Asena encourages finding paths to success rather than remaining idle. “Staying home won’t help. Try doing something so that you are not a burden on anyone. You have to come out and look for ways to succeed,” she advised.

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