Remittance Gaps: Are Families Left Behind in Pacific Labour Mobility?

The financial advantages of the Pacific labour mobility scheme are clear; however, some families are facing remittance gaps where financial assistance is not reaching caregivers and children. A study conducted by UNICEF examining the scheme’s effects on families in Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands highlighted the experiences of those whose relatives participating in the program were not providing necessary support.

The study noted, “Throughout the focus group discussions and interviews, it became evident that families who derive the most benefit from the income generated by the labour mobility scheme are those who plan their purchases, budget wisely, and send money home in regular fortnightly or monthly installments that effectively reach caregivers.” It emphasized that without proper financial planning or management, caregivers and children are more prone to experience remittance gaps, negatively affecting their well-being and quality of life.

While many participants acknowledged the economic advantages of the labour mobility initiative, the report identified numerous instances where the financial gains were not reaching children and caregivers, and in some cases, money was mismanaged by caregivers.

The study pointed out that in certain situations, extended family members involved in caring for children did not benefit from the remittances. A participant from Fiji shared, “When their husbands send money, some wives forget about those of us relatives helping at home and focus solely on their own family.” Another participant from Vanuatu expressed frustration, stating, “I struggle to make it, but I have to. Before we were married and he helped me, he would send the money. Before 2019 and last year in July, he was still sending money, but now there’s nothing.”

The report concluded that most migrant workers were the ones mismanaging funds or failing to provide their families with necessary income.

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