Zanzeer Singh, a prominent sports journalist in the country, died on Tuesday at the age of 49 after battling a long illness at Lautoka Aspen Hospital. His brother, former Fiji TV journalist Ranbeer Singh, shared that Zanzeer, affectionately known as Zan, was a vibrant individual who enjoyed organizing social gatherings and had a generous spirit.
Former Fiji rugby union official and sports marketing expert Charlie Charters remarked on Zanzeer’s exceptional reporting skills, noting his integrity, humor, and commitment to his craft. Charters emphasized that he often directed news tips to Zanzeer during his shifts due to his adept storytelling and determination to secure coverage for his pieces.
Writer Jone Kalouniviti described Zanzeer as a genuine member of the media community from the west, who was well-versed in sports journalism. He acknowledged that while some found Zanzeer’s direct approach somewhat blunt, his sense of humor was always a source of joy.
Indra Singh, news director at FBC, referred to Zanzeer as a legend among his colleagues, praising his unique methods of obtaining stories and his unwavering willingness to assist others. Singh highlighted Zanzeer’s love for both beer and sports, expressing grief over the loss of someone who brought happiness and taught others how to embrace life fully.
Zanzeer was educated at Namaka Public School in Nadi, where he shared classes with notable figures like former Fiji 7s rugby coach Iliesa Tanivula and former rugby player Joeli Lotawa. He continued his education at Swami Vivekananda College before embarking on his journalism career. He began working with the Fiji Broadcasting Corporation in 1997 and eventually joined Fiji Sun in 1999, later moving to Fiji Times, where he served for twenty years.
He is survived by his wife, Rita Singh, and their two children, Nirvana and Siddhartha Iyer. His funeral service is set for Saturday, starting with a viewing at Lautoka’s Girmit Centre and concluding at the Lovu crematorium at 1 PM.