Josefata Naisili, the head boy at Natabua High School, received the baton of honour during the school’s cadet passing-out parade on Friday, marking a significant milestone. Naisili led a parade of 1,276 students who displayed drills and formations after eight weeks of diligent training.
Reflecting on his journey, Naisili remarked, “Everything has a beginning and an end. When we joined in Year Nine, we were eager to learn, but time has flown by, and now we are here as Year 13 students.” He expressed a mix of sadness and pride, noting the memories created within the school walls as they prepare to graduate.
The 18-year-old, originally from Matacawalevu, Yasawa, with family ties to Naisisili, Yasawa, acknowledged his peers for their collective effort in organizing a successful parade. “Cadet training is part of who we are, and it is special,” he stated.
Naisili added that their training regime intensified as the event approached, moving from weekly sessions to twice a week during the final preparations. “This week was dedicated to finalizing our moves for the cadet passing-out ceremony,” he explained.
He also emphasized the responsibilities that come with leadership, expressing his honor in leading the school, and encouraged younger students to seize every opportunity that comes their way. “Once an opportunity is missed, it turns into a memory that you can’t change,” he advised.