Rayana Kumar has emerged as a standout achiever in her academic journey, consistently performing well from years eight to 12. She was recognized as dux during her time at both Shiri Guru Nanak Primary School and Labasa College, where she recently scored an impressive 376 out of 400 marks in the 2024 Fiji Year 12 Certificate Examination (FY12CE).
Upon receiving her examination results, Rayana described the moment as “memorable.” Her family, residing in Naodamu, Labasa, expressed immense pride in her achievements, particularly as Labasa College was among the three schools that attained a 100 percent pass rate this year.
“It’s been a long road, but every step has been worth it,” Rayana stated with a smile, emphasizing that her success is a culmination of years of hard work. Her determination has been evident throughout her academic life, especially during her time at Labasa College. “I always push myself to do better, no matter how tough the challenge,” she shared, attributing her results to staying focused and committed.
Rayana comes from a family of educators, with both her parents serving as teachers, offering her unwavering support and encouragement throughout her studies. Her mother, Subhashni Kumar, was visibly emotional as she expressed pride in her daughter’s accomplishments, stating, “She’s always been determined and worked hard to achieve her goals.” Her father, Rajesh Kumar, echoed similar sentiments, highlighting their encouragement of Rayana to always give her best.
Rayana’s elder brother, Rayash, also admires her dedication, stating, “Her work ethic and determination inspire me to push myself in everything I do.” This testament of familial admiration illustrates the role of support systems in achieving academic success.
Key to Rayana’s achievements has been her effective time management and discipline, skills she attributes to balancing her studies with personal life. “It’s not easy, but with the right planning, you can achieve anything,” she mentioned, adding that staying organized is essential to her success.
The inspiring story of Rayana Kumar serves as a reminder of the fruits of hard work and dedication, not only reinforcing the importance of education but also motivating students across the region to strive for excellence in their academic endeavors. With her remarkable achievement, Rayana stands as a beacon of hope and an example of what can be accomplished through perseverance and support.
In summary, Rayana Kumar’s journey exemplifies the potential for greatness within every student, highlighting the pivotal role of determination, familial support, and discipline in reaching academic goals.
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