“Ratu Seruvakula’s Call to Action: Parents Must Prioritize Children’s Futures”

The chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs, Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, emphasized the importance of parental involvement during a passing-out parade for Ratu Sukuna Memorial School students. He urged parents and guardians to prioritize their children’s needs over personal interests, highlighting that their roles are crucial in shaping the future of society.

During his speech, Ratu Seruvakula acknowledged the crucial groundwork laid by teachers and members of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF), noting that the responsibility now lies with the parents to support their children as they develop. He warned that children face numerous challenges that could negatively affect their well-being, emphasizing the importance of not passing on societal issues to the younger generation.

He specifically identified serious threats such as sexual abuse, drug addiction, and child trafficking, calling on parents to be aware of these dangers. Ratu Seruvakula appealed to parents to set aside personal desires and recreational activities, such as socializing with friends or drinking yaqona, to focus on their children’s upbringing.

He urged parents to reflect on the kind of society they wish for their children, advocating for a nurturing environment that is just and disciplined.

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