Ratu Kadavulevu School Celebrates 100 Years with Spectacular Parade

In celebration of its centennial, Ratu Kadavulevu School (RKS) held a parade featuring a newly introduced military color symbolizing its 100th anniversary. The cadet corps presented the color during a passing-out parade on the school’s grounds in Tailevu last week.

Colonel Viliame Draunibaka, chief of staff of the Republic of Military Forces Land Force Command, was present to review the parade. He emphasized the significance of the event, noting it as a momentous occasion in military tradition. Colonel Draunibaka congratulated the school’s leadership and those involved in the color’s establishment. He praised the parade’s commanders and participants for their impressive performance, attributing their success to the support of their families, old scholars, and instructors.

The Colonel highlighted the importance of discipline and teamwork cultivated through the cadet training. He reflected on the school’s long history, from its founding in 1924 to its current status as a symbol of excellence and tradition. The centennial celebration not only honored the past but also set a vision for a future grounded in resilience and strong values.

During the parade, four awards were distributed, with the baton of honor awarded to head boy Joseva Raiwalui, who is from Nasauvuki Village. Raiwalui shared that leading at RKS came with its challenges and acknowledged the guidance he received, both from God and his instructors. With 720 students in attendance, including four female cadets, this parade marked the first in over four years.

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