Raiwaqa Youths Shine at Hibiscus Festival: A Transformative Community Journey

This year’s Hibiscus Festival distinguished itself not only through its venue and atmosphere but also with a strong dedication to cleanliness in the Suva foreshore and seawall area, thanks to the efforts of the Raiwaqa Unem Association.

Earlier this week, Ratu Kiniviliame Narokete, a member of the UNEM, spoke about the motivations driving the group and their positive impact on the local Raiwaqa community. At 56 years old and hailing from Tavuki in Kadavu, Ratu Kini exemplifies the idea that it’s never too late to contribute positively to society.

Initially established by community elders, the Raiwaqa Unem Association started informally as a way for local youths to engage in community service during school holidays. However, the group struggled to maintain its presence, leading many youths into negative behaviors.

Determined to create a difference, Ratu Kini began organizing community clean-ups while living on Derrick Street, where he and other youths volunteered to clean both the street and the yards of elderly residents who needed help. After relocating to Tilak Lane, he expanded the initiative, involving youths from Milverton Road.

Ratu Kini has successfully formalized the association, opening a bank account and ensuring its registration. The group primarily consists of unemployed youths from challenging family backgrounds, and his aim has been to inspire them to recognize the value of community engagement.

Faith plays a crucial role within the association, as Ratu Kini emphasizes the importance of grounding the youths in biblical teachings. He believes that love and support can motivate them to change and contribute positively.

The Raiwaqa youths have significantly impacted their community, earning recognition from the Suva City Council, which invited them to manage waste collection and maintenance at the Hibiscus grounds this year. A dedicated team of 20 youths worked in two shifts, maintaining the venue’s cleanliness.

Ratu Kini expressed pride in the positive feedback from local businesses and the SCC, attributing it to the hard work and commitment of the youths. He views this opportunity as a potential launching pad for future initiatives from the Raiwaqa Unem Association.

Looking ahead, Ratu Kini hopes to secure more opportunities from the SCC, confident that his team can outperform professional contractors. He expressed gratitude to their families and the community for their support, encouraging young people facing difficulties to pursue positive changes and trust in their potential for greatness.

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