Raising Voices: Addressing Abuse Against Persons with Disabilities

The Ministry of Women, Children and Social Protection is continuing to receive referrals regarding abuse and neglect involving individuals with disabilities. This issue was raised by Acting Principal Welfare Officer West Clement Dari during a recent event in Lautoka.

Dari noted that despite the various initiatives implemented by the ministry to support disabled individuals, reports of abuse and neglect persist. He described the reality on the ground as touching and emphasized the need for public awareness about the importance of caring for people with disabilities.

“It is necessary for us to prioritize caring for individuals first, with their disabilities coming second,” he stated. He also expressed gratitude towards caregivers who dedicate their time and effort to support persons with disabilities.

Recognizing the challenges faced by caregivers, Dari said, “I know it is not an easy job, but it is through love and care that we can provide for them.” He extended his heartfelt appreciation to those caring for family members or relatives with disabilities.

Dari highlighted that access to quality assistance devices remains an ongoing issue for disabled individuals. He mentioned that the District Council of Disabled Persons is actively working to ensure that transportation across the country is accessible for everyone.

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